
The board meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.  All board members were present along with 10 residents.  Pledge of allegiance was recited. 

Motion to adopt the agenda by Supervisor Groy, seconded by Supervisor Paulsen.  Motion carried. 

Minutes of July 2022 meeting were read.  Motion to approve as given by Supervisor Groy, seconded by Supervisor Paulsen.  Motion carried. 

Treasurer’s report given.  Motion to accept the report as given by Supervisor Paulsen, seconded by Supervisor Groy.  Motion carried. 

Recycling report showed that in July there were 26.36 tons of garbage and 3.06 tons of recyclables/paper.  GFL has started using automatic trucks and so will no longer pick up the small bins of recyclables.  You can use your old Waste Management cart or something similar to that or you can purchase a recycling cart from GFL for $65 at their facility.  They have begun putting stickers in mailboxes that state their rules.  1. Trash and recycling must be out by 6:00 a.m.  2. Place container at the edge of the road, facing street.  (So wheels and lid hinge face away from the road.)  3. Trash and recycling must be 3 feet from each other.  4. All containers must be 4 feet from objects such as mailboxes or vehicles to prevent property damage.  5. Lid must be shut to contain waste while emptying.  6.  Bag trash prior to putting in container to avoid it blowing through the neighborhood when emptied.  7.  All trash or recyclables must be in proper containers with the lids fully closed.  If there are any questions, please call 906-774-9006. 

Report on building permits and fire sign applications showed one building permit on County L for a 26 x 30 on slab.  No fire signs.

Lot division for Hanson.  The lot currently has two dwellings, 2 driveways and a shared well.  Another well is being put in.  The lots will be consistent to other lots in the neighborhood after separated.  Motion to approve by Supervisor Paulsen, seconded by Supervisor Groy.  Motion carried. 

Salt shed pad expense will be $37,525 and will be a shared expense with Pembine.  It will be approximately 75x150 or 1250 sq yards.  Motion by Chairman Younglove, seconded by Supervisor Paulsen to approve this cost.  Motion carried.  The work will begin in two weeks.  The roof will also be put on at that time. 

Discussion of ongoing road improvements showed that the crew has been out brushing, mowing grass along the roads and grading.  The patching has been completed on Smeester.  Love Lane and Roth need grading now that we have had rain.  Butterfield needs to be reviewed for crack sealing.  We have not heard anything back yet on the BIL application. 

Correspondence was a letter from WPS regarding future road projects.  This was given to Supervisor Groy. 

Public comments were from Nancy McKenny regard her lots on Beecher Lake.  They are planning to build and when their contractor spoke to the county, the county claimed that there was a road on their lots; however, it is not a road but an easement.  She was advised to see Bob Grandaw first and if there are more problems, he can help her solve the issues.

Motion to approve payment of bills in the amount of $66,425.70 by Chairman Younglove, seconded by Supervisor Groy.  Motion carried. 

Next meeting will be September 13, 2022 at 6:00 p.m.  Motion to adjourn by Supervisor Groy, seconded by Supervisor Paulsen.  Motion carried.  Meeting adjourned at 6:40 p.m.