

The board meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.  All board members were present along with 20 citizens.  Pledge of allegiance was recited. 

Agenda to be adopted as written by Supervisor Groy and seconded by Supervisor Paulsen.  Motion carried. 

Minutes of the August 2022 meeting were read.  Motion to accept the minutes as read by Supervisor Paulsen, seconded by Supervisor Groy.  Motion carried. 

Treasurer’s report given.  Motion to accept the report as given by Supervisor Groy, seconded by Supervisor Paulsen.  Motion carried. 

Discussion of public ATV/UTV use on town roads was next on the agenda.  Donn Renk showed a presentation which included video of ATV issues on his road.  The discussion included representatives of the ATV club and the county recreational officer.  The town does not necessarily want to close roads even if they do not connect to the trail system because the local people like to use their ATVs to visit friends/neighbors.  There are some places that could use some speed signs and directional signs to help people decide which way to turn.  If a resident sees abuse of the road, they can get the ATV number and call in to the recreational officer and people can be ticketed for damage or if they are where they are not supposed to be.  The ATV club will look at where some signage can be helpful. 

Recycling report showed that in August there were 20.09 tons of garbage and 3.69 tons of recyclables. 

Report on building permits and fire sign applications showed 7 building permits and 3 fire signs.  The fire signs were on Sand Road, Crowe Road and Dam Road.  The building permits were a 14x32 structure on Crowe Road; a 36x60 detached garage on Sand Road; a 24x48 detached garage on Krueger Lane; a 14x16 shed on Spangenberg Road; a 26x36 carport on Dexter; a 32x24 detached garage on Papesh and a 16x24 detached garage on Breezewood. 

Discussion on electrical at the Little League Park as it only has 62 amp and needs more.  Jeff Mueller stated that we should go to at least 200 amps if we are going to upgrade.  We will get some quotes so that we can consider it in the budget for 2023.  This is mainly to accommodate usage of the park for the centennial and for future use.

Discussion of ongoing road improvements were that a truck needs some repair, the crew has been hauling gravel for the salt shed and benches were put in the park at Beecher Lake.  Supervisor Paulsen stated the benches look really good.  The Lake District also has put in place a locking system that can be opened remotely on the toilet facility. 

Correspondence was a survey from Bay Lake. 

Public comments included a question as to whether there is a spot for depositing brush.  The town does not have one at this time.  Another comment was loud music/noise at the corner of Tuck Away and Hwy 141.  The sheriff has been contacted.  The chair will speak to the resident after the meeting. 

Chairman Younglove made a motion to approve payment of bills in the amount of $26,634.79, seconded by Supervisor Groy.  Motion carried. 

Review of ordinances showed a change in 1.08 adding Supervisor 1 and Supervisor 2 to people able to respond if the chairman is unavailable during an emergency.  Motion by Chairman Younglove to accept this change, seconded by Supervisor Groy.  Motion carried.  Motion by Chairman Younglove to remove 6-13-17 as it is addressed in the codification, seconded by Supervisor Groy.  Motion carried.  Chapter 7 and Chapter 8 changes will be addressed at the next meeting. 

Next meeting will be October 11th at 6:00 p.m.  Motion to adjourn by Supervisor Groy, seconded by Supervisor Paulsen.  Motion carried.  Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.