The board meeting was called to order at 6:02 p.m. Pledge of allegiance was recited. All board members were present along with 9 residents.
Motion by Supervisor Groy, seconded by Supervisor Paulsen to adopt the agenda as given with the change of Variance by Four Seasons moving to November agenda. . Motion carried.
Minutes of the 9/13/22 meeting were read. Motion to accept the minutes as read by Supervisor Paulsen, seconded by Supervisor Groy. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s report given. Motion to accept the report as given by Supervisor Groy, seconded by Supervisor Paulsen. Motion carried.
Recycling report showed that in September 20.42 tons of garbage and 4.78 tons of recycling.
In the month of September there were 4 building permits and 1 fire sign. 16x26 detached garage on Cliff Lane; 36x60 detached garage on Sand Road; 8x40 shipping container on Love Lane; and a 24x18 outbuilding on Ring Lane. The fire sign was on Crowe Road.
Tax Collection Proposal was reviewed at 0.85 per taxable parcel and a $250 administrative fee. This includes the county mailing out the tax bills and collecting taxes. The amount is similar to past proposals. Motion by Supervisor Paulsen to accept the proposal, seconded by Supervisor Groy. Motion carried.
Ordinance update discussion: Chapter 7 Amendment on 7.09 and 7.10 Traffic Code operating snowmobiles. Motion by Chairman Younglove, seconded by Supervisor Groy to accept as presented. Motion carried. Chapter 8 Public Works changing enforcement by any board member able to issue citations. Motion by Chairman Younglove, seconded by Supervisor Groy to accept as presented. Motion carried. Chapter 14 Building Code renumbering the Fencing Ordinance to 14.14; Land Division to 14.15 and Shipping Containers to 14.16. Motion by Chairman Younglove, seconded by Supervisor Groy to accept as presented. Motion carried.
Discussion of ongoing road improvements showed that the crew has been hauling gravel; mixed sand/salt and the shed is full; the truck has been repaired; and road work by Scott Construction has been completed. Resident requested a load of gravel for Hilltop Road and another resident wanted to know if Butterfield was going to be patched. Supervisor Groy will discuss with the crew.
Correspondence was CD 33 matures in November and will be rolled over into the capital account. The fire department sent their 3rd quarter financial statement and their proposed budget for 2023. Chairman Younglove said that the budget was passed at their recent meeting. The last piece of correspondence is a county Towns Association meeting being held in Peshtigo.
Public comments were that a resident heard that the county is looking at opening county roads to ATV. Chairman Younglove believes that it is in committee at this time. Art Rettke also stated that he has filed non candidacy papers for municipal judge.
Chairman Younglove made a motion to approve payment of bills in the amount of $146,221.70. Motion seconded by Supervisor Groy. Motion carried.
Next meeting will be November 15th at 6:00 p.m. This is the 3rd Tuesday of the month due to elections.
Motion to adjourn by Supervisor Groy, seconded by Chairman Younglove. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:35 p.m.