The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all. The entire board was present along with 8 residents and one guest.
Supervisor Paulsen made a motion to adopt the agenda as written, seconded by Supervisor Groy. Motion carried.
Sheriff Miller stopped by and introduced himself to the meeting participants as the new sheriff, asked if anyone had any questions for him and let the participants know that he was available if anyone needed him.
The clerk read the minutes of February meeting. Supervisor Groy made a motion to accept the minutes as read, seconded by Supervisor Paulsen. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s report was given. Supervisor Groy made a motion to accept the report as given, seconded by Supervisor Paulsen. Motion carried.
Recycling report showed that in February there were 14.46 tons of garbage and 2.94 tons of recyclables.
Report on building permits showed 3 building permits and one fire sign. 22x20 basement walls on Old 38 Road; 32x48 outbuilding addition on Crowe Road; 40x92 outbuilding on slab on Sand Road and fire sign on County Z.
Discussion of ongoing road improvement projects showed that the roads are taking a beating this winter. When the frost is out the board will go out and survey the roads and see what our budget allow us to fix. Truck #2 was down but has been repaired. Load limits are on all town roads.
Correspondence showed that we have received a letter from the county re: monuments and a letter from WPS regarding any road work that may interfere with electrical or monuments.
Public comments asked that more centennial information be put out on face book/website. The celebration is slated for July 8th.
Motion to approve bills in the amount of $23,604.95 by Chairman Younglove, seconded by Supervisor Paulsen. Motion carried.
Next meeting will be the third Tuesday of April as it is the Annual Meeting at 6:00 p.m. which will be followed by the board meeting immediately after. Motion to adjourn by Supervisor Groy, seconded by Supervisor Paulsen. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:15 p.m.