

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.  Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all.  Chairman Younglove, Supervisor Groy, Supervisor Wagner and 11 residents were on hand for the meeting. 

Minutes of 2023 Annual meeting were read by the clerk.  Motion to accept the minutes as read by Dave Paulsen and seconded by Ken Hanson.  Motion carried. 

Presentation of 2023 financial report given.  Chairman Younglove pointed out that we had a LRIP grant and used ARPA funds this year on roads and so that expense was higher.  We also bought a different loader which was why expenses were so much higher than income.  No additional questions were asked.

Motion to renew contract with Pembine Cemetery Association by Supervisor Groy and seconded by Chairman Younglove.  Motion carried. 

Motion to renew fire department contract of $10,000 by Chairman Younglove and seconded by Ken Hanson.  Motion carried. 

Motion to renew contract with Pembine Dunbar Beecher rescue squad in the amount of $27,000 by Ken Hanson and seconded by Art Rettke.  Motion carried. 

Regarding financial institution, we decided to switch to Nicolet Bank in 2023 and began to switch over from Forward Financial the end of 2023.  No further action was taken. 

Due to the fact that if we designate an official newspaper we would have higher cost due to putting notices in, we decided to forego an official newspaper and post our notices on our website, the town hall and Patti’s Place.  We also put notices on facebook on our town page.  Motion by Chairman Younglove and seconded by Cindy Butterfield to NOT designate an official newspaper.  Motion carried. 

Motion by Supervisor Groy to designate $25,000 toward equipment reserve fund and seconded by Dave Paulsen.  Motion carried. 

Discussion of fire equipment reserve fund stated that we typically roll it over.  The fire department equipment is getting older i.e. 20 years and they have written a grant to help get new equipment.  Depending on what they get, we may offer our money to be matched by the other towns to help update their equipment.  Motion by Chairman Younglove and seconded by Supervisor Groy to continue to leave it as is for now. 

Motion to donate $250 to Little League by Supervisor Wagner and seconded by Supervisor Groy.  Motion carried. 

Open discussion:  Lisa Hanson made a motion to have the town donate $1000 toward fireworks for the 4th of July celebration, seconded by Ken Hanson.  Motion carried with one objection. 

Motion to adjourn by Chairman Younglove and seconded by Cindy Butterfield.  Motion carried.  Next annual meeting will be the 3rd Tuesday in April of 2025 at 6:00 p.m.  Meeting adjourned at 6:20 p.m.