The board meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chairman Younglove. Pledge of allegiance was recited. Supervisors Groy and Wagner were present along with 12 residents and 1 guest.
Motion to adopt agenda as written by Supervisor Wagner and seconded by Supervisor Groy. Motion carried.
Minutes of the 5/14/24 meeting were read. Motion to accept the minutes as read by Supervisor Groy and seconded by Supervisor Wagner. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s report given. Motion to accept report by Supervisor Groy and seconded by Supervisor Wagner. Motion carried.
Recycling/garbage report showed 17.66 tons of garbage and 4.6 tons of recyclables for the month of May.
Building permits and fire sign report showed 7 building permits and one fence permit which was on County Z. Building permits were a 22x30 detached garage on slab on Smeester School Road; a 22x28 addition, a 14x12 three season room and 12x22 detached shed on slab on River Road; a 26x30 detached garage on slab on Marek Road; a 10x15 storage shed and driveway permit on Bigwoods Trail; a 29x28 detached garage on slab on French Road; a 12x34 addition on slab on Park Fence Drive; and solar panels on Lange Brothers on Tower Line Road.
A variance was requested to put a camper on approximately 1.5 acres which was on two parcels. Motion to approve variance and requested the owners to merge the two parcels together within 60 days by Supervisor Groy and was seconded by Supervisor Wagner. Motion carried.
Lindi Magnuson made a presentation on Beecher Lake District owning the valves on the dam which is owned by the town. The valves are to draw down the water to kill milfoil by freezing. She is concerned about the valve accountability. She would like to the town to take over the valves so that documentation can be kept on the annual cleaning out of the valves. There is concern by the town about any failures as to who would pay for the costs. This item will be looked into and will be put on next month’s agenda.
Jim Pickett of Rural Insurance presented his proposal for town insurance. The board will review along with our current insurance and set up a special meeting to make a decision by the end of the month.
Truancy Ordinance was reviewed by the board. This was requested by the local school so that students can be processed through the municipal court vs. going to the county court. Motion by Supervisor Groy to accept the ordinance as presented which was seconded by Supervisor Wagner. Motion carried.
Liquor licenses were reviewed. Motion to approve Green Acres license by Chairman Younglove and was seconded by Supervisor Groy. Motion carried. Motion to approve Four Seasons Island Resort license subject to payment of personal property taxes by Chairman Mike Younglove and seconded by Supervisor Groy. Motion carried.
Picnic table follow up. Supervisor Wagner checked into kits at Home Depot which was from $400 to $600. He stated he could build them for $300 to $400. We would like two tables. Motion to have John build two six foot tables by Supervisor Groy and was seconded by Chairman Younglove. Motion carried.
The only correspondence was the Marinette County Unit Meeting of the Towns Association.
Public comments were what happened to Four Seasons building/remodeling by Jeff Mueller. Nothing has been done to date. Paul Dalman from the fishing club came and updated the board about what they have done at the Sand Road park. They have added some picnic tables and benches. They wish to have a brat fry to raise funds for possible limestone to put on the circle drive. They also would like to put in some posts to keep people from driving on the grass. Marinette County Highway department has some but can only give them to the town. We need to put on next month’s agenda to take action on the items.
Motion to approve payment of bills in the amount of $27,644.94 by Chairman Younglove and was seconded by Supervisor Groy. Motion carried.
Next meeting will be 7/9 at 6:00 p.m.
Motion to adjourn by Supervisor Groy and was seconded by Supervisor Wagner. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m.