The board meeting was called to order at 6:15 p.m. Pledge of allegiance was recited. All board members were present along with 9 residents.
Motion by Supervisor Groy to adopt the agenda as given and seconded by Supervisor Wagner. Motion carried.
Minutes of the 10/8/24 meeting were read. Motion to accept the minutes as read by Supervisor Groy, seconded by Supervisor Wagner. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s report given. Motion to accept the report as given by Supervisor Groy and seconded by Supervisor Wagner. Motion carried.
Recycling report showed for the month of October that 16.66 tons of garbage was collected along with 5.17 tons of recyclables.
Report on building permits and fire signs showed 5 building permits and one fire sign. A 24x52 detached garage on Marek; a 24x30 detached garage on County L; a 10x26 sunroom on Miscauno Ln; a 36x72 outbuilding on Cole School Road and a 30x20 addition to garage on Smith Lane. The fire sign was for Love Lane.
The town received two assessment contracts for review. Tennessen as for a 2 years at a cost of $16,400 per year and we would need to pay any extra for court appearances. The second was for Childers Appraisal which was for 5 years at the following rate $18,000/ $18,000/$18,500/$18,500/$19,000. No additional fees for reassessment as they do an ongoing update. We would pay for the software and an additional $500 for clerical help on a reassessment. After review, Supervisor Groy made a motion to accept Childers Appraisal which was seconded by Supervisor Wagner. Motion carried.
Discussion and Action on 2025 Budget; motion by Supervisor Groy to accept the budget/ levy amount of $355,924 for 2025 which was seconded by Supervisor Wagner. Motion carried.
The town also received proposals from Graese Electric for either repair of our current generator or replacement. The motor/engine is shot and would cost $2113.14 for repair. Generators last between 15-18 years. Our generator is about 14 years. Replacement would be $7466.76. After discussion, motion to replace the generator vs. repair was made by Supervisor Groy and seconded by Supervisor Wagner. Motion carried.
Highway/Road Report showed that the crew has been hauling gravel and putting it on roads. We will need more crushed for next year.
No correspondence.
No public comments.
We do have some variances coming up for future meetings.
No new announcements.
Chairman Younglove made a motion to approve bills in the amount of $123,402.96 which was seconded by Supervisor Groy. Motion carried.
Next meeting will be December 10th at 6:00 p.m.
Motion to adjourn meeting by Supervisor Groy and seconded by Supervisor Wagner. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:35 p.m.