

The board meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.  Pledge of allegiance was recited.  All board members were present along with 6 residents. 

Motion to adopt the agenda as given by Supervisor Groy and seconded by Supervisor Wagner.  Motion carried. 

Minutes of the 11/12/24 meeting were read.  Motion to accept the minutes as read by Supervisor Groy and seconded by Supervisor Wagner.  Motion carried. 

Treasurer’s report was given.  Motion to accept the report as given by Supervisor Groy and seconded by Supervisor Wagner.  Motion carried. 

Recycling report showed that in November 20.5 tons of garbage and 6.36 tons of recycling were collected.

Report on building permits and fire signs showed 6 building permits.  8x40 and 8/20 shipping containers on Dexter; 18x15 outbuilding on gravel on Dexter; 30x48 detached garage on slab on Rainbow Rd; 12x20 outbuilding on Papesh; 8x12 outbuilding on gravel on Love Ln; and 14x28 addition plus 5x12 covered porch and 20x24 detached garage on Lemke Ln. 

Roof leak and insurance claim on the town hall.  A request was called out to multiple companies to bid to correct the issue.  The only company to respond was Just a Peak Exteriors LLC.  The contract to correct the problem was a cost of $4350.  Motion to accept the contract by Supervisor Groy and seconded by Supervisor Wagner.  Motion carried. 

Highway/Road report showed that the crew has been cleaning up the slush on the paved roads and working on equipment. 

Correspondence was a report from the rescue squad showing how many calls each town received year over year.  Also an email from the school stating that even though the referendum failed, they plan to request again in April 2025.  A listening session will be held at the high school on January 8, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. for the public. 

No other public comments.

Motion to approve bills in the amount of $49,095.01 by Chairman Younglove and seconded by Supervisor Groy.  Motion carried. 

Next meeting will be January 14, 2025 at 6:00 p.m.  Motion to adjourn the meeting by Supervisor Groy and seconded by Supervisor Wagner.  Motion carried.  Meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m.