Town of Beecher Marinette County, Wisconsin Code of Ordinance Chapter 7 Amending Town of Beecher Code of Ordinance Chapter 7 entitled, Traffic Code The Town Board ofthe Town of Beecher does hereby amend the Town of Beecher Chapter 7.09 and 7.10 and does ordain as follows: 7.09 SNOWMOBILES. (1) STATE SNOWMOBILE LAWS ADOPTED. Except as otherwise specifically provided in this chapter, the statutory provisions describing and defining regulations with respect to snowmobiles in the following enumerated sections of the Wisconsin statutes are hereby adopted by reference and made part of this section as if fully set forth herein. Acts required to be performed or prohibited by such statutes are required or prohibited by this section, as follows: 3s0.01 350.02 350.03 350.035 3s0.04 350.045 350.047 350.05 350.055 350.07 3s0.08 350.09 350.095 350.10 .' 350.101 To 3s0.107 3s0.108 350.11 350.115 350.12 350.L22 3s0.12s 350.13 350.135 350.137 350.138 Definitions Operation of Snowmobiles on or in the Vicinity of a Highway Right of Way Snowmobile Meeting Snowmobile Races, Derbies and Routes Public Utility Exem ption Local Ordinance to be Filed Operation by Youthful Operators Restricted Safety Certification Program Established Driving Animals Owner Permitting Operation Head Lamps, Tail Lamps and Brakes Noise Level Requirements M isce I [a neous Provisions for Snowmobile Operatio n Operating a Snowmobile While lntoxicated Prohibited Public Education Penalties Surcharge Registration of Snowmobiles LacDuFlambeau Application by Dealers Uniform Trail Signs and Standards lnference by Signs Uniform Railroad Crossings Signs Railroad Crossing
350.139 350.14 350.15 350.155 350.17 3s0.18 3s0.19 350.45 3s0.99 Establish Railroad Crossing Signs Duties re Snowmobile Council Accidents and Accident Reports Coroner Duty to Report Enforcement Local Ordinances Liability of Landowners Recommendations Re Snowmobile Council Parties to Violation (2) APPLICABILIry OF RULES OF THE ROAD TO SNOWMOBILES. The operator of a snowmobile upon a roadway shall, in addition the provisions of Ch. 350, Wis. Stats., be subject to 55346.04,346.06, 346.1L,346.t4(t),346.18,346.t9,346.20,346.2L,346.26,346.27,346.33,346.35, 346.37,346.39, 346.4O,346.44,346.46,346.47,346,48,345.50(1Xb\,346.5L,346.52,346.53, 346.54,346.55, 346.97 , 346.88,346.89,346.90,346.9L,346.92(11and 345.94(1), (6), (6m)and (9), Wis. Stats. (3)OPERATION OF SNOWMOBILES lN TOWN RESTRICTED. (Al Generol. lt shall be unlawfulto operate any snowmobile on the Town parks, parking lots, or on any public lands or parking lots held open to the public. The operator shall at all times have the consent of the owner before operation of a snowmobile on private lands unless the owner has agreed, in writing, to the establishment of a snowmobile trail. The Town Board may annually, with the cooperation of snowmobile, clubs, establish such snowmobile routes. (bl Operation on Town Roads ond Streets. Pursuant to 350.18(3Xa), Wis. Stats., a person may operate a snowmobile on the shoulders of all Town highways and County and State trunk highways from a residence within the Town for the shortest distance from such residence to an established snowmobile route or trail. (4) CERTAIN TOWN ROADS DESIGNATED SNOWMOBILE ROUTES, OPERATION RULES (a) Snowmobile Routes Designated. The Town Board has designated snowmobile, AW-andORV, routes which are designated on the map and list on file in the office of the Town Clerk. (b) Operation limitations. 1. Snowmobilesshall be operated on the extreme right side of the road. 2. Left turns shall be made as safely as possible from any position depending on snow cover and other prevailing conditions. 3. Snowmobiles shall make a complete stop before crossing plowed or unplowed roads. 4. Snowmobile operators shall yield the right of way to other vehicular traffic. (5) RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT AREA SPEED LlMlT. No person shall operate a snowmobile within the platted area of the Town at a speed in excess of 10 miles per hour. (6) PERMITTING OPERATION BY IMPROPER PERSONS PROHIBITED. No owner or person having charge or control of a snowmobile shall authorize or permit any person to operate such snowmobile
who is not permitted under State law to operate such snowmobile, or who is under the influence of an intoxicant or a dangerous or narcotic drug. (7) PENALW. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this section shall be subject to a forfeiture as provided in sec. 20.04 of this code. (8) TOWN CLERK TO FILE SECTION. Puruant to 5350.047, Wis. Stats., the Town Clerk is herby authorized and directed to send a copy of this section to the Department of Natural Resources and the County Sheriff s Department. 7.10 ALL-TERRAIN AND ORV VEHICLES REGULATED. (1) Except as specifically provided for herein, the statutory provisions of 523.33, Wis. Stats., which defines and describes regulations with respect to ATV's and ORV's, exclusive of the penalty provisions, is hereby adopted by reference and made a part of this section as though fully set forth. (z)
++operson's.hal1..@-any-ro'adway+ruithi*the-Town-t*n'tess.the+oadway @. All town roads ore designoted os ATV/ORV routes unless otherwise posted. Dead end roads ore outhorized as access routes only. (3) No person shall operate an ATV/ORV at a speed in excess of 15 miles per hour on any designated ATV/ORV route unless otherwise posted. Adopted this 11th day of October 2022.